I was born near 1976 as a POW after the Vietnam War. I grew up "on the other side of the tracks" of a US Military base in Germany (symmetry) until the age of four. I remember helicopters from the garden that my parents used. I remember a very, let's say, psychedelic experience until the age of four. We then moved to a place, that I today call the Pig Pen. It is a KGB/CIA/KIA base. Back then, I remember there was a lot of "supposed" US Army movement. Let's revisit this later. In 1987 (a very 187-like number) I moved to North America as a prime 0xBB. In 2002 after being poisoned. I returned to the Pig Pen, which was still staffed by "US Army" soldiers. In 2014 the base was disbanded, CIA staff moved in, nothing changes much. In 2013, I moved to a place called "German Yard" which is called Deutschhof, before the 1987 years it was a site where teletubbies houses existed on large green patches of grass. Today everything is a little funny, yes I'm a german Yaady, yes I'm white, I haven't been on my "meds" for a few months, I fired my Psychiatrist, she doesn't serve me anymore and insulted me deeply when I was about to move to Ottawa for a new start. She called my imaginary girlfriend "ein zotteliges tier" a racist term for someone with dreadlocks, which in itself is a lie. I never saw a Yeti with fangs. These people are the most improfessional people I've ever worked with. This place is a punishment, not a healing place. I've been unemployed for about 24 years now, with odd part-time work here and there to get backdoored computers. Fun. Well see you around. Say hi to GI Joe for me!